
Friday, March 31, 2017

Wee Spring stitched

Was able to finish up Heart in Hand's design, Wee Spring.  Such a simplistic piece and am so glad it's done.  Started it in the second quarter this year and then hit a typical for me bump.  Thought of changing the sweater to an Under Amour logo to update the look besides switching out some thread colors.  Kept drawing out possibilities to stitch and there it sat for about 6 months.  The last week of November I said, enough, get it done simply - so a solid lime green sweater now hangs on the line instead of the 80's style apple motif sweater. 

Heart in Hand- Wee Spring
Started in May and finished in November 2016
Used a 28 count monaco I had on hand stitching 2/2
DMC threads used: 223, 304, 445, 712, 739, 801, 904, 905, 906, 931, 3740,
also Wisper White was used for the fluffy bunny tail with an eyelet stitch.

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